Three Blog Ideas for Your Business Blog

Having a business blog is a great way to obtain “followers,” also known as customers. It allows a business to get their name out there, become known and follow with what the business has been doing and if anything has changed. The good news is it keeps customers up to date as well, and can make a stronger connection other than that of a business customer. It’s more personal. However, what do business bloggers write about?

Make it Personal

The best thing you can do for your business is to make it personal. Write about the challenges the business has faced, mistakes it’s made, obstacles it overcame, successes. These subjects make for compelling and unique stories because it’s personal and only this business will have these stories.

Include your Customers

Call your clients. Ask them what they’ve had trouble with; what do they like best? Have they recommended this business to anyone? Will they? Ask about the customer and their experience with your business. Use what they say to update your blog. Show your customers you care. If there’s a problem, write about it and tell people what you’re doing to fix it.

YouTube is Your Friend

Incorporate other tools to make your blog more interesting. Upload relevant content by using YouTube. People love watching videos. Make a tutorial of what your business does, if you can. Make a video of your satisfied customers. Grab people’s attention with more than just words, but by showing in a video.

By using these 3 tips, you can ensure that you are producing relevant and engaging content to grow and maintain your online business community.

Please contact us for more insider tips on enhancing your content strategy to fuel your business growth.