Creating a business is one of the toughest things to do. There are many obstacles involved in startups. One of the biggest challenges is getting potential customers to know about you. A great tactic is through content marketing prior to launch and during the entire process of growing your startup. We will discuss 3 mistakes to avoid with your startup content marketing strategy.
Link Building is not Content marketing
Stay away from viral, trendy topics with the motive of setting the internet world on fire with interest, or attracting moths to the flames. Sharing links is one method used to complement content marketing efforts not the source. The better strategy is creating very valuable information and giving it away free via guides, blog posts, and newsletters. You can do this in exchange for an email address.
Not having an eye on the prize
Often when developing a content marketing strategy, startups are disjoined and all over the place. As result the plans they develop are not aligned with any goal because they have yet to set up goals. For instance, new startup starts a blog, they start blogging about anything and everything when it should be a medium to introduce articles that are prevalent to their goals and mission. They are so preoccupied to get followers that they forget, quality over quantity. You want potential customers who believe in your goals and vision and thus buy your products. The target is not those who just want to read a hip article but have no real interest in your company and what you’re about.
No Plan of Attack
Often startups don’t have a strategy, or development of a strategy has been overlooked. As a result when content marketing endeavors get put into action, they fail. This plan should include data and metrics that will be used to gauge the campaigns and adjust accordingly as needed. That way the strategy can be altered depending on the goals of the campaign.
By avoiding these 3 primary mistakes, your startup can increase its chance of success.
Please contact us to learn more startup strategies that can help assist you in your new venture.