Content marketing involves more than just driving leads and traffic. When done right, it should support prospects throughout the entire buying journey: from the moment they find you to the time that you close the deal. In fact, if you want them to come back as a repeat customer or refer you to their friends and family, it should even extend beyond the sale.
So what about sales enablement? What role does content play in sales?
Sales enablement content should to be very product- and customer-focused. These are things like product info sheets, buying guides, and case studies. There are three general areas you want to focus on: success stories such as client testimonials, interviews, and case studies; product content such as product sheets, demos, and overviews; and persona documents that show why your product is exactly the right for that prospective customer. For example, if you are a contractor and have been approached by a family rather than a business, you could provide content that shows how your company can help a family create their dream home.
One thing to remember: sales enablement content can only works if your sales team uses it! So make sure that marketing and sales are on the same track and communicating openly about what content is available, how to use it, and when.