If you are looking to generate leads quickly on Facebook, one way to do so is through sweepstakes and prize giveaways. These are promotions that you go through to generate a huge amount of interest in your brand over a short period of time. This is a great way to attract a wide-range of Facebook users as well.
The best thing about sweepstakes and prize giveaways is that they are extremely simple to get started. Plus, if you are able to offer something really worthwhile, you will be surprised to see just how quickly excitement grows around your company and offer. You will even notice a renewed interest in your business from customers who have already loved you in the past.
When you are creating these types of programs, remember to make the prize something Facebook users will really want to win. This will encourage them to participate in your giveaway, which will help grow your leads. Also, giving them additional entries for sharing the posts is a great way to get the word around to other users.
Creating sweepstakes and prize giveaways is definitely something that can grow your business quickly. However, do consider how this program will affect your business if it is successful. Some companies have made the mistake of offering too much and then not being able to follow through after their giveaway became extremely popular. Instead of falling into this trap, make sure you offer something that is easily achievable if large numbers of people express interest in your offer.